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The NIJ Level IIIA Ballistic Face Mask is designed to protect your face from ballistic threats. Don't be fooled by knock offs. This is the real deal! TAA Compliant Product. Made from 100% USA Materials! This Ballistic Bullet Proof Facial Mask is designed to protect your face from ballistic threat fragmentation from penetrating into the face.


Built with incredibly tough Kevlar and bullet resistance material, this mask is highly recommended for Law Enforcement Professionals in Close-Combat Situations or by Security Experts. Ergonomically fit, this Tactical Ballistic Mask has been crafted to maximize comfort while providing total front facial protection. Additional padding is incorporated at the forehead and either side of the face to maximize shock absorption from ballistic threats, and a six point elastic attachment system allows the user to adjust for the perfect fit. Aside from protection, you'll look like a complete BADASS wearing this awesome facial armor. Only downside we see with these are the price. They come in at a whopping $349.95 retail! ( Good Thing You're A CLUBTAC MEMBER! ) Rated by NIJ Standards for Threat Level: IIIA 0106.01 NIJ has been setting voluntary body armor standards since 1972.


The NIJ standard is the only nationally accepted standard for the body armor worn by law enforcement and corrections officers. NIJ also administers a program to test commercially available armor for compliance with the standards to determine whether the vests or armor type meet NIJ's minimum performance standards. The NIJ ballistic resistance standard classifies body armor by levels of ballistic performance. For any performance level, NIJ's test protocol requires that the bullet does not perforate the vest and that the vest protects against blunt trauma.

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